martes, 30 de septiembre de 2008

aprender a gatear /rolling crawler tips

Crawling Tips for Baby
Throughout my research on baby crawling, I've come across many crawling tips. I would like to share with you a proven technique so powerful, it will make your baby more tolerable to stomach lying.
And guess what?
You can safely use it on babies as young as 3 months old!!
Lets get started...
Get your baby crawling in no time with these valuable crawling tips:
Crawling may not happen naturally if your child does not endure lying on his stomach. Use this technique below to help with baby crawling and make your baby more tolerable to lie on his stomach.
• Tip 1 - Place your baby on his/her stomach on a carpet on the floor.
• Tip 2 - Gently hold your baby by the elbows and draw both elbows towards your baby's body as if he/she wants to lie down on his/her elbows. Continue to provide support.
• Tip 3 - Try to get some measure of the distance between the floor and your baby's upper body in the supported position.
• Tip 4 - Get a roller/ball with approximately the same diameter as you've just measured. Rollers are soft cylindrical shaped toys - preferably solid. You can use an inflatable infant crawling roller, but solid ones normally last longer and can also be used later to help your baby to sit and walk. Place the roller between your baby's upper body and the floor for support. The roller shouldn't be too big. Your baby's elbows must still reach the floor when lying on the roller/ball.
• Tip 5 - Put the roller/ball underneath your baby's upper body... arms hanging over the front of the roller/ball. This supported position will also allow your baby to lift his/her head and exercise the neck muscles.
• Tip 6 - Get down on the floor directly in front of your baby, facing him/her. Now, let your baby look at your face while you talk in a high voice tone. Make funny faces to amuse your baby and let this exercise encourage your baby. Crawl on the floor with your baby and urge him to look up to your face.
Remember: Your baby should focus on you or a toy in front of him/her. A focus point will encourage him/her to exercise those muscles to reach for a object.
The roller/ball helps your baby to lift his/her upper body and stimulate visual perception. The more you exercise those muscles the sooner they will be able to endure longer sessions. But make sure they enjoy this activity. I was thinking to make a baby crawling knee pad for my baby, but realized to stimulate crawling knees tips...
You only need to spend 3-5 minutes daily to get results.
...But, you will see results more quickly if you can fit in more than one session per day.
Repeating the crawling tips above will get your baby supporting his/her body on both knees and straight arms. Now only the moving forward motion should be added for the all important midline crossing. Also think about buying a crawling baby doll to do this exercise alongside your baby.
Now, don't rush off to the nearest baby store to buy an infant crawling roller or rollers to help baby crawl as shown on the right - a soft inflatable ball will also do the trick. I used a smaller version of those big gym exercise balls and it worked perfect!! You can always use the ball afterwards to exercise hand-eye coordination or exercise your own stomach muscles.
The bottom line ... get your baby crawling is easy, critically important... yet, often neglected. But with these easy crawling tips and affordable method it's a breeze.

Baby Crawl...
How You Can Make It Happen

Following our baby crawl article, we've had many requests on how to make a roller or where to buy one.
Then I remembered...
Many years ago I helped a 13 month old baby with this "roller". I had to make do with what I had available at that time.
I do remember that the boy started crawling very soon after I've used this "roller".
So, here are 2 ways to make a roller.
The first one I call the "crawl towel".

Baby Crawl Towel
1. Take any normal large bathroom or swimming towel.
2. Spread it out flat on the ground.
3. Reduce the width of the towel by folding it in half. You'll now have a long narrow towel.
4. Form a roll by rolling the towel over the length of the towel. Start at one of the short ends and finish at the other short end. You should now have a short fat towel roll.
5. Use this "roller" exactly as described in the baby crawl article.
6. If the roller is too small (low), then use 2 towels rather than just one.
The second one I've used is the "crawl coffee tins".

Baby Crawl Coffee Tins
1. Get 3 empty coffee tins with sealable plastic lids. These often have diameters of about 5" (12 cm).
2. Fill the tins with dry sand and replace the plastic lids.
3. Stack the tins one on top of each other. Lay the tin tower on its side on the ground.
4. Cover the tower with 1" foam rubber or 1" soft cloth.
5. Wrap the padded tower in denim, artificial leather or any other durable material. I like to make a tight-fitting "pillow case" in which I put the tins.
6. That's it... as simple as that!
Finally, just closely follow the steps outlined in our baby crawling article. That will get you the results.
For more baby development tips and ideas, click here

STEPS to crawl :
6 Proven Steps To Get Your Baby Crawling In No Time
... And, Discover Why Baby Crawling Encourages Development

Very few parents realize just how many hidden, yet powerful benefits can be unlocked if their baby crawls at an earlier age.
You may not be aware that encouraging your baby to crawl holds an important key for better future performance. But whether you're aware of it or not, you should seriously consider encouraging your baby to start crawling... as soon as possible.
Crawling Must Be Done... To Get Every Bit Of Stimulation Needed For Optimum Development
Crawling helps your baby to become stronger, learning the surroundings faster, improves visual skills and boosts physical abilities.
Your baby may... given enough time... spontaneously learn to crawl. But crawling may not happen naturally if your child doesn't endure lying on his/her stomach.
What this means is that even at this early age Baby may then be developing at a slower rate.
Now, there is an easy yet powerful and proven technique I've used many times to get babies crawling. It's so powerful it will surely help your baby crawl sooner. In essence this technique makes Baby more tolerable to stomach lying.
In fact, babies with poor head control often don't like lying on their stomachs. In fact, here's an interesting discussion to argue this aspect of
Best of all...
It Works On Babies As Young As 3 Months Old
Here's the exact technique to get your baby crawling in six easy steps.
Step one... place your baby on his/her stomach on a carpet on the floor.
Step two... gently hold Baby by the elbows and encourage supporting him/herself on elbows. Continue to provide support.
Step three... measure, or try to get some measure of the distance between the floor and Baby's armpit in the supported position.
Step four... get a roller with approximately the same diameter as you've just measured. Rollers are soft cylindrical shaped toys... preferably firm. You do get inflatable ones, but firm, dense ones normally last much longer and can also be a valuable aid to get Baby to sit and walk.
The roller will be placed underneath Baby's upper body for support. It's important that you don't buy the roller too big. Baby's elbows must still reach the floor when lying over the roller.
Click here to see how easy it is to make a baby crawling roller .
Step five... put the roller underneath Baby's upper body... elbows touching the ground in front of the roller. This supported position also allow Baby to lift his/her head and discover the surroundings.
Step six... get down on the floor directly in front of Baby, face towards Baby. Now, let Baby look at your face while you talk to, amuse and encourage Baby to lift his head and take part in the conversation.
Step six is the most important step of this activity. And... Baby will surely endure longer sessions and crawl sooner if it's enjoyable.

Remember, Baby should focus on you and naturally develop a sense of using both legs for support. In no time you'll see Baby supporting the upper body on straight arms and bearing weight on both knees... ready to crawl.
The power of a roller lies in helping to raise Baby's upper body and to look at the surrounding... all while lying down.
And guess what?
Only Spend 3-5 Minutes Daily To Get Results
But better still... results will come even faster if you can do more than one session per day.
Trouble is, many parents are reluctant to buy any toys or aids such as rollers. Too expensive - is often the criticism. But, the trick is really to find out how many other uses can you find for a roller. In this case you can definitely use a roller also to speed up sitting and walking.
The bottom line is... getting Baby crawling is easy, critically important... yet, often neglected. But with this easy, affordable method... it's a breeze! For more information on getting your baby to crawl and other baby development ideas... click here
Here are 2 more very easy, yet little known things anyone can do to get their babies crawling.

Cómo elegir el juguete adecuado esta Navidad

PadresOk preparó esta guía por edades para ayudarlo en escoger aquellos juguetes que favorecen el desarrollo de su hijo.

Hasta los 12 meses

Juguetes y materiales que estimulan la motricidad
Móviles con juguetes colgantes atractivos que el pequeño intente agarrar. Pelotas pequeñas y blandas. Cascabeles y juguetes que pueda manipular. Gimnasio de actividades para bebés. Mantas de actividades. Vehículos para empujar, que dan estabilidad al niño cuando empieza a caminar. Cajas de plástico o cartón. Juguetes con ruedas y cordel para arrastrar.

Juguetes y materiales que estimulan el lenguaje y la comunicación
Libros de cartón, tela o plástico, con imágenes simples que sean fácilmente identificables por el bebé. Teléfono plástico. Grabaciones de canciones infantiles. Móviles y muñecos o juguetes que emiten sonidos. Cascabeles y campanas.

Juguetes y materiales para estimular el desarrollo social y afectivo
Muñecos y bloques de caritas sonrientes. Música para bebés, animales de juguete, móviles de colores para colgar en la cuna y en la habitación.
Columpios, espejos seguros para bebés.

1 a 4 años

Juguetes que estimulan la motricidad
Correpasillos, juguetes para arrastrar, cubos de distintos tamaños, pelotas, triciclo, palitroques, lápices, pinceles, plasticina, pizarras, rompecabezas de encaje, herramientas de juguete, cuentas grandes para hacer collares. Baldes y palas para la arena. Los juegos de plazas, como tobogán, gimnasios para trepar, escaleras y columpios.

Juguetes y materiales para estimular el desarrollo social y afectivo
Pelota, muñecos y peluches, juego de té, teléfono, música para niños, casa de muñecas, autos, trenes, aviones y otros vehículos de juguete. Triciclo, juegos de cocina, cámara fotográfica, teléfono, grabadora para niños, reloj, cajas con muñecos saltarines, títeres, disfraces.

Juguetes y materiales que estimulan el lenguaje y la comunicación
Tableros de actividades con sonidos de animales, notas musicales o de otro tipo. Instrumentos musicales para niños, muñecos pequeños y con caras amistosas, teléfonos de juguete, cámara fotográfica de juguete. Lápices de cera grandes, plasticina y materiales para pintar o crear. Títeres. Mesa y sillas en tamaño de niño. Lápices y cuadernos para colorear. Cocina, juegos de té. Libros de cuentos e imágenes.

5 a 10 años

Juguetes que estimulan la motricidad
Pelotas, bicicleta con casco. Patines, cuerda para saltar, aro (ula ula), canasto de basquetbol en miniatura, palitroques. Lápices, pinceles, plasticina, pizarras, rompecabezas. Herramientas de juguete. Baldes y palas para la arena. Los juegos de plazas, como tobogán, cuerdas para trepar, escaleras y columpios.

Juguetes y materiales para estimular el desarrollo social y afectivo
Casa de muñecas, muñecos, peluches, autos, trenes, aviones, vehículos de juguete. Juegos de doctor, carpintero, vendedor, etc. Pelotas, aro de básquetbol o arco de fútbol. Música para niños, juegos de cocina, cámara fotográfica, teléfono, grabadora para niños, reloj, disfraces.

Juguetes y materiales que estimulan el lenguaje y la comunicación
Libros de cuentos e ilustraciones, preferentemente con letras grandes. Grabadora con micrófono para niños. Teléfono, instrumentos musicales, cintas o discos de canciones infantiles, muñecos, juegos de té, disfraces y máscaras, títeres, lápices, cuadernos para colorear, pinceles, témpera, etc.

• Vea la completa línea de juguetes y juegos de la Tienda PadresOk

Lea también:
• Cómo prevenir accidentes con juguetes
• Un juguete seguro

jueves, 25 de septiembre de 2008

Exportaciones Fruticolas suben 8%


Exportaciones frutícolas suben 8% en 2008 y llegan a casi US$3 mil millones
En volumen, los envíos mostraron un estancamiento respecto a la temporada anterior, totalizando 2.352 millones de toneladas.

Antonio Astudillo

25 de sept 2008
Las exportaciones frutícolas durante la temporada 2008 (que cierra en septiembre) mostraron un estancamiento en su volumen respecto del año pasado, principalmente por el significativo aumento en los costos y las mayores inversiones que debió realizar la industria en capital de trabajo para afrontarlas.

Según Rodrigo Echeverría, presidente de Fedefruta, los envíos totalizaron 2352 millones de toneladas en 2008 frente a las 2.353 millones de 2007. En valor, las exportaciones crecieron un 8% pasando de US$2.756 millones (FOB) a US$2.984 millones en la temporada 2008.

Echeverría indicó que el mayor valor de las exportaciones se debe al aumento de los envíos de los productos de mayor valor como las cerezas y los arándanos, lo que estaría indicando "un reordenamiento de la canasta de ventas de productos". Otras variedades que también tuvieron incrementos importantes en su valor fueron las nueces (69%), almendras (18%) y peras (12%).

Respecto al estancamiento de los volumenes, el directivo señaló que esto se debía principalmente a la caída de un 50% en los envíos de palta, 16% en los cítricos y 16% en las ciruelas.

Echeverría señaló que para el 2009 esperaban un mejor año debido al incremento en el tipo de cambio, pero que la situación podría verse complicada por el efecto que tendría en la economía real la crisis financiera que afecta a Estados Unidos, principal mercado de las exportaciones.

Wise Financial Management During Tough Economic Times

Wise Financial Management During Tough Economic Times 09/24/2008 07:13 PM MDT
Recent studies show one in four American workers is seriously distressed about his personal financial situation. Add to that the uncertainty of the economy and there becomes an increased need to improve personal and family financial management.
Richard W. Ebert Jr., the director of Employment Resource Services for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, says, “Financial problems are a source of much unhappiness and are certainly a major factor in family and work difficulties. Unresolved, they can lead to crushing debt and divorce.”
Knowing this, leaders of the Church have counseled its members for decades to prepare for hard times by avoiding financial problems and becoming more economically stable. Recently, the senior leadership of the Church published the brochure All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Finances to help members manage their resources.
The brochure advises families to “prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. Pay off debt as quickly as you can, and free yourselves from this bondage. Save a little money regularly to gradually build a financial reserve. If you have paid your debts and have a financial reserve, even though it be small, you and your family will feel more secure and enjoy greater peace in your hearts.”
The brochure is available on the Church Welfare Services Web site at The Web site also provides the following guidelines for families to become more financially responsible:
1. Avoid debt. Learn self-restraint by spending less money than you make and saving money to purchase what you need. Avoid debt except for vital needs, education and the purchase of a modest home. If in debt, try to pay it off quickly. 2. Use a budget. Keep a record of your monthly income and expenses. With this information, set up a family budget. Establish how much you will save, how much you will spend for food, housing, insurance, utilities, etc. Reduce what you spend on things that are not necessary. 3. Teach family members early the importance of working and earning. Children should be responsible for the decisions that affect their own money and face the consequences of their bad spending. As your children mature, help them understand the family financial situation, budget goals and their individual responsibility within their families. 4. Work toward home ownership. Improve the home you acquire so you can use the accumulated equity for a better home if you decide to sell it. 5. Appropriately involve yourself in an insurance program to avoid the significant debts place upon families when they are uninsured. 6. Involve yourself in a food storage and emergency preparedness program. Planting and harvesting a garden annually can help the family budget and encourage food storage. 7. Build a reserve. Accumulate savings little by little and use it for emergencies only.
The Web site also provides a number of financial tools to guide families and individuals in the decision-making process. These tools can help determine — based on an individual’s own income — how soon loans and debts can be paid off, how much to save for retirement, how much to save to reach a specific goal, and the monthly payment on a new home.

Tal como fue publicado en

Una Deliciosa y Sana Receta de Frutillas y Arandanos

End Your Meal with a Berry Boost
Looking for new ways to incorporate fresh fruit into your diet? Make it the centerpiece of your dessert plate. Bright strawberries and blueberries are rich in fiber and vitamin C and add a natural sweetness to this dish while providing cancer-fighting phytochemicals. In addition, replacing some of the butter with canola oil in the biscuit dough removes most of the unhealthy saturated fat, while ensuring a flaky finished product.

Shortcake Biscuits with Berries
Cooking spray3 cups sliced strawberries1 pint blueberries1/4 cup orange juice4 Tbsp. sugar, divided 1 1/2 cups unbleached white flour1/2 cup whole-wheat or whole-wheat pastry flour1/2 tsp. salt4 tsp. baking powder2 Tbsp. butter, softened4 Tbsp. canola oil1 cup nonfat free milk1 1/2 cups low fat vanilla yogurt (optional)
Preheat oven to 425 degrees. Spray a nonstick cookie sheet with cooking spray. Set aside.
Combine berries in a bowl and mix in orange juice and 1 Tbsp. sugar. Set aside 15-30 minutes.
In a medium bowl, mix together the remaining sugar, flours, salt and baking powder. Use a pastry blender or a fork to cut the butter and oil into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse meal. Add the milk. Stir until it is just incorporated and there are no lumps.
Form 8 biscuits by dropping well-rounded quarter cups onto the cookie sheet. Bake 15 to 20 minutes or until biscuits are done. (Use a toothpick to test center). Cool on a wire rack.
Use a serrated knife to gently slice off the top third of each biscuit. Top with some berries and juice. Lay the top of the biscuit on berries. Top with more berries and juice. Place remaining berries around each biscuit. Garnish with yogurt, if using, and serve.
Makes 8 servings.
Per serving: 260 calories, 9 g fat (2 g saturated fat), 38 g carbohydrate, 5 g protein, 3 g dietary fiber, 410 mg sodium.
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